
Picture of me!
John Trinhon 12/26/2022

#Fresh coat of paint

In what seems like a yearly tradition, I went through another round of revamping my personal website. This time around was pretty fun and I had a good time redesigning the look to this glass pane aesthetic.

The site is built with React 18 and Next.js. There are a couple other libraries and APIs sprinkled in there to let me do things like display my currently playing Spotify song or derive posts like this from a Markdown file.


There are plenty of exceptional portfolio websites out there that I've stumbled across on Twitter, Reddit and other places that inspired me to give it another whirl.

Some of my favorites:

#On to the next

I think I'm pretty satisfied with the base that I've established here and believe it's good enough to start pushing out some posts and random thoughts. This time around also feels much more deliberate. The last iteration of my personal site was made while I was still learning the ropes of React and Next.js. Now that I'm using both of these tools at my day job, I've gotten a lot more comfortable with two!

Anywho, here is the Github if you're interested.

Here's to an awesome 2023! ðŸ¤